Evolution and Co-existence of Programming Models
Several new concepts were introduced with SAP NetWeaver 7.4. There are significant advantages associated with the new way of doing things but the existing applications also continue to be supported. Let us consider the characteristics of the main options you have when programming with Web services in ABAP.
Single Service
You can manually configure individual Web services. The application names the logical port to be used and decides in the application coding which interface is being used. Even if you adopt central configuration in a big way, you may still find use for this option occasionally.
Service Group and Mass Configuration
Service groups were introduced for mass configuration of related Web services. The Web service infrastructure and configuration controls connection management to external parties. Central configuration of Web services based on service groups is possible with SAP NetWeaver 7.02.
Consumer Factory and Integration Scenario
Central configuration of an entire integration scenario running over multiple systems is easy, and the addressing can be on a more fine-granular level than client. The application is only loosely coupled with its process integration – you may already be familiar with logical receiver determination but now there are further options relating to sender or authentication. Perhaps less obvious is the significance of the consumer factory in decoupling the application from the specific implementation – see diagram above. I will let you consider that for a while.