During one of our requirement I found ABAP Consumer proxy class doesn't create the attachment method like Java consumer proxy. We need to insert the attachment at runtime using WS protocol. Here I am going to explain the steps and code.
- Web service you are going to consume has the attachment enabled
2. Web service is consumed and proxy class is activated
3. Create a Z class, method and use the code below
METHOD set_proposal. * Author: Amaresh Pani DATA: lcl_obj TYPE REF TO zca_co_customerproposal, ls_request TYPE zca_send_customer_proposal_re4, ls_response TYPE zca_send_customer_proposal_re3. TRY. CREATE OBJECT lcl_obj. CATCH cx_ai_system_fault INTO lx_fault. gv_msg = lx_fault->get_text( ). ENDTRY. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** DATA: lo_attachments TYPE REF TO if_wsprotocol_attachments. DATA: g_attachment TYPE REF TO if_ai_attachment, g_attachments TYPE prx_attach, "Internal table for attachment g_attach_xstring TYPE xstring. "variable of xstring type. * binary xstring file stored in Z table SELECT SINGLE value FROM zzupld INTO g_attach_xstring WHERE filename = 'CUST'. TRY. lo_attachments ?= lcl_obj->get_protocol( if_wsprotocol=>attachments ). g_attachment = lo_attachments->get_attachment_from_binary( data = g_attach_xstring " File content type = if_ai_attachment=>c_mimetype_pdf " MIME type name = 'CustomerProposal' ). " Name of PDF to be uploaded APPEND g_attachment TO g_attachments. lo_attachments->set_attachments( g_attachments ). CATCH cx_ai_system_fault INTO lx_fault. gv_msg = lx_fault->get_text( ). ENDTRY. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** ls_request-send_customer_proposal_request-document-opprotunity_id-content = '7117941'. " Defaulted content of proxy TRY. lcl_obj->send_customer_proposal( EXPORTING send_customer_proposal_request = ls_request IMPORTING send_customer_proposal_respons = ls_response ). CATCH cx_ai_system_fault INTO lx_fault. gv_msg = lx_fault->get_text( ). CATCH cx_ai_application_fault INTO lx_fault1. gv_msg = lx_fault->get_text( ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD.
Content in Z table zzupld
Remember to set attachment "YES" while creating the endpoint.
Execute the method to trigger the web service with attachment. Enable payload trace in SRT_UTIL to see the file attachment.
SOAP creates tag MULTIPART. PART_1 contains the general SOAP xml content. PART_2 contains the attachment as above.