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Usage of the ABAP REST Library [SAP_BASIS 7.40]




Objective: Provides a brief introduction to REST services in general and explains the basic usage of the ABAP REST library (SAP_BASIS 7.40) in particular.

Applies to: SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP since 7.00. The SAP documentation for REST is available in AS ABAP 7.40.

Target Group: Develpers, architects, consultants, project leads and decision makers who want to gain first information on the ABAP REST library.







This blog post gives a short introduction to the new ABAP library for REST based services, which is part of ABAP 7.4. In particular in combination with the new JSON support in ABAP 7.4, it can be used writing native HTTP services directly on top of the Internet Communication Framework (ICF) following a RESTful design.


The REST library is used as a central component in the following frameworks:

  • SAP NetWeaver Gateway as a core of the OData support (OData is the REST-based protocol recommended by SAP for business scenarios).
  • ABAP Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver (also known as ABAP in Eclipse) as part of its connectivity infrastructure, which is treating ABAP development objects as resources.

It should be stressed that the REST library is a technical library and does not provide a programming, configuration or operations model on top of the ICF.

For productive business scenarios SAP recommends to use the SAP NetWeaver Gateway which provides all qualities for REST services based on the OData standard.


Note that the core SAP NetWeaver Gateway infrastructure is also directly part of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP since release 7.4.


What is REST?


REST is an acronym for Representational State Transfer and stands for a programming paradigm for Web applications. The REST architectural style was first introduced by Roy Fielding (Link).


The central principle of REST services is the existence of resources each of them referenced with a unique resource identifier (URI). The reading and manipulation of these resources is based on a standardized interface which is the HTTP protocol. Via the HTTP protocol, client and servers exchange and transfer representations of resources, i.e. documents conveying the information of a resource.


When to use it?


There is a lot of information available in the Web about that question (and the alternatives to REST, e.g. SOAP based Web Services), so only some main indicators should be mentioned here:

  • you have a stateless service,
  • the support of (web) caching infrastructures is possible,
  • the commmunication design is based on a point-to-point integration with no formal description of an interface, i.e. clients and servers agree out of band on the data format exchanged (e.g. in SOAP based Web Services, the data exchange format is pre-defined),
  • frontend technologies may be of specific interest, i.e. REST services may be easier integrated and consumed by frontend platforms using their own technical basis (e.g. plain XML).


The ABAP REST Library


The ABAP REST library specific classes are located in package SREST and its subpackages (SREST_CORE, SREST_EXT, SREST_HTTP, SREST_TEST, SREST_UTIL). If you want to use the ABAP REST library, you have to declare an access usage for the corresponding package interface. Using the ABAP REST library, the focus in this blog is on developing REST services in the context of the HTTP protocol, i.e. the URIschema is http or https, the authority identifies an ABAP application server, the SAP web dispatcher or some network intermediate (e.g. reverse proxy, which is set up to forward a request to an ABAP application server). The path consists of the base path (defined in the ABAP Internet Communication Framework (ICF) for a REST service's handler class) and the resource path, used by a REST application service to identify the requested resource.


ABAP REST Service Processing Overview


This picture gives a rough overview on the control flow when processing a REST request within an ABAP application server.



These are the 3 main processing steps (see picture above):

  1. Any incoming HTTP request on an ABAP application server is processed by the Internet Communication framework (ICF). The ICF contains a service registration where all ICF related services and their handler classes are registered (done via transaction SICF). The handler class is an ABAP class which implements the interface method IF_HTTP_EXTENSION~HANDLE_REQUEST.
    This is also the case for ABAP REST services, where the ABAP handler class is derived from class CL_REST_HTTP_HANDLER.
  2. Within the HTTP handler method HANDLE_REQUEST:
    • The HTTP request object and response object get wrapped by corresponding REST request and response objects and are available to the REST service processing later on,
    • a REST context is created with general information (URI parts, ICF service name, etc.) to be available in the REST service processing,
    • the REST application is called containing its list of addressable resources with their identifiers and processing class(es),
    • the REST router finds the processing class for the used URL,
    • the application's method to access the resource is called based on the used HTTP verb (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS).
  3. Inside the identified resource class and method, the data processing takes place.


REST Service Implementation

Used interfaces and classes of an ABAP REST service implementation:

    This is the base handler class for ABAP REST applications, i.e. each REST application has to derive its handler class from this class and provide implementations for specific interface methods which get called during request processing.
    This class comprises the interfaces IF_HTTP_EXTENSION and IF_REST_APPLICATION used by the REST framework to handle requests. The REST application's derived handler class is the class entered in the SICF transaction as the HTTP handler. You can look at this class as the clue between the HTTP and the REST environment.
    This interface is part of the ICF and is used to register a handler class in the ICF. It is part of the REST handler class CL_REST_HTTP_HANDLER.
    Whenever a HTTP request hits the ABAP application server, the path gets resolved by the ICF, the registered class gets instantiated and its method IF_HTTP_REQUEST~HANDLER_REQUEST is called. The class CL_REST_HTTP_HANDLER already contains the implementation for this method.
    Declares the method GET_ROOT_HANDLER, which must be implemented by any ABAP REST application to return an instance for interface IF_REST_HANDLER (see below) for handling specific REST requests.
    This interface is used to call classes designed to process REST requests. For this, it declares the method HANDLE, which gets passed in the following objects from the REST framework: Request, response and context. You do not implement this interface seperatly for your REST service, but you use it via an class derived from CL_REST_RESOURCE (see below).
    This interface defines the methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD and OPTIONS reflecting the HTTP methods for the REST resource. It is not required to implement this interface solely by the REST application developer, but inherit it from CL_REST_RESOURCE instead.
    This class is the designated base class for all REST resources. Any REST application resource class inherits from this class and overwrites methods to implement application resource specific behavior. For each HTTP verb this base class contains a default implementation (returning HTTP 405: Not Allowed) so each method you want to support has to be overridden by your REST resource class.
    This class implements the interfaces IF_REST_HANDLER and IF_REST_RESOURCE.
    This class gets used to resolve REST resource handler classes from the used URIs during the REST request processing. The router is normally instantiated in the IF_REST_APPLICATION~GET_ROOT_HANDLER method of the REST application class. This method returns the handler class for a REST request implementing interface IF_REST_RESOURCE.
    The selection of the handler class is based on a URI template associated with a handler class. That assignment of handler class to URI template is done by calling the ATTACH method of the rest router instance of type CL_REST_ROUTER.


All interfaces and classes, their usage and background information is available via SAP help (SAP Basis Release 7.40).

Especially the REST Programming Tutorial is of interest for people to have a first hand on ABAP REST programming.


This picture shows the sequence of class usage on the REST server side:class_flow.png


Example Service Implementation


The REST example used in this blog is using parts of the well-known SAP Flight sample data model. In this example, the resources are "flight" resources made available to REST clients stored in the database table SFLIGHT.


Defining the REST Application Class


The REST application class named ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_APP is dervied from the ABAP library class CL_REST_HTTP_HANDLER. This REST service class inherits especially the interface method IF_REST_APPLICATION~GET_ROOT_HANDLER. Within this method, at least one URI template gets attached to a REST handler class (multiple attachments are possible depending on the number of supported URIs and used classes). The handler class is named ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE in this example (for its implementation see below).


This is the implementation of method IF_REST_APPLICATION~GET_ROOT_HANDLER in the REST application class ZCL_REST_FLIGHT_APPL:


method if_rest_application~get_root_handler. 

  data(lo_router) = new cl_rest_router( ).
  lo_router->attach( iv_template = '/flights' iv_handler_class = 'ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE' ).
  lo_router->attach( iv_template = '/flights.{format}' iv_handler_class = 'ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE' ).

  lo_router->attach( iv_template = '/flights/{carrid}' iv_handler_class = 'ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE' ).
  lo_router->attach( iv_template = '/flights/{carrid}.{format}' iv_handler_class = 'ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE' ).

  lo_router->attach( iv_template = '/flights/{carrid}/{connid}' iv_handler_class = 'ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE' ).
  lo_router->attach( iv_template = '/flights/{carrid}/{connid}.{format}' iv_handler_class = 'ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE' ).

  lo_router->attach( iv_template = '/flights/{carrid}/{connid}/{fldate}' iv_handler_class = 'ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE' ).
  lo_router->attach( iv_template = '/flights/{carrid}/{connid}/{fldate}.{format}' iv_handler_class = 'ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE' ).

  ro_root_handler = lo_router.



In this code example, multiple URL templates are attached to one and the same resource class ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE (which is not mandatory). For the details on the definition on URI templates, you may refer to the SAP documentation. In this blog only an example is given for the routing.


Example (Routing):

Assume that the URL 'http://ldai3yi3.wdf.sap.corp:50034/sap/bc/rest/scn_test/flights/LH/0400.json?sap-client=000' is called with the HTTP GET method.For the correct routing of the request to the method IF_REST_RESOURCE~GET in class ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE, the class ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_APP has to be entered in the ICF as handler class (e.g. in the ICF node 'SCN_SAMPLE'). The URI-attributes 'carrid' is set to value 'LH', the attribute 'connid' is set to value '400' and the 'format' attribute is set to 'json'. All these attributes get set by the REST framework and are available in the request object in the resource processor class ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE (defined as data members in its base class CL_REST_RESOURCE).



Defining the REST Resource Class


In this example, the class representing the "flight" resource is named ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE and is derived from the REST library class CL_REST_RESOURCE. It implements the methods of interface IF_REST_RESOURCE. The interface methods GET and OPTIONS are supported, i.e. this method is implemented in the resource class (note: methods not implemented will hit the default implementation of CL_REST_RESOURCE and return a HTTP 405 return code: "HTTP method '...' not supported").


This is the implementation of method IF_REST_RESOURCE~GET in class ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE:


method if_rest_resource~get.


  data: lt_flight type table of sflight.


  data(lo_entity) = mo_response->create_entity( ).
  data(lv_carrid) = mo_request->get_uri_attribute( iv_name = 'carrid' ).
  data(lv_connid) = mo_request->get_uri_attribute( iv_name = 'connid' ).
  data(lv_fldate) = mo_request->get_uri_attribute( iv_name = 'fldate' ).


  if ( lv_fldate is not initial ).
    select * from sflight into table lt_flight

      where carrid = lv_carrid and connid = lv_connid and fldate = lv_fldate.
  elseif ( lv_connid is not initial ).
    select * from sflight into table lt_flight

      where carrid = lv_carrid and connid = lv_connid.
  elseif ( lv_carrid is not initial ).
    select * from sflight into table lt_flight

      where carrid = lv_carrid.
    select * from sflight into table lt_flight.


  data(lv_format) = mo_request->get_uri_attribute( iv_name = 'format' ).

  if ( lv_format = 'json' or lv_format is initial ).
    " Transform data to JSON
    data(lo_json_writer) = cl_sxml_string_writer=>create( type = if_sxml=>co_xt_json ).
    call transformation id source itab = lt_flight result xml lo_json_writer.
    lo_entity->set_content_type( if_rest_media_type=>gc_appl_json ).
    lo_entity->set_binary_data( lo_json_writer->get_output( ) ).
  elseif ( lv_format = 'xml' ).
    " Transform data to XML
    call transformation id source itab = lt_flight result xml data(lv_xml).
    lo_entity->set_content_type( if_rest_media_type=>gc_appl_xml ).
    lo_entity->set_binary_data( lv_xml ).
  elseif ( lv_format = 'atom' ).
    " Transform data to Atom
    data: ls_feed   type if_atom_types=>feed_s,
          ls_entry  type if_atom_types=>entry_s.
    ls_feed-id-uri = 'http://www.sap.com'.
    get time stamp field ls_feed-updated-datetime.
    loop at lt_flight assigning field-symbol(<f>).
      ls_entry-title-text = | { <f>-carrid }-{ <f>-connid }|.
      convert date <f>-fldate

        into time stamp ls_entry-updated-datetime time zone 'UTC'.
      ls_entry-title-type = if_atom_types=>gc_content_text.
      append ls_entry to ls_feed-entries.
    data(lo_provider) = new cl_atom_feed_prov( ).
    lo_provider->set_feed( ls_feed ).
    lo_provider->write_to( lo_entity ).

  mo_response->set_status( cl_rest_status_code=>gc_success_ok ).



Brief description of the implementation:

  • A REST response entity gets created for the service's response. This entity will carry the flight data.
  • All (potentential) URI attributes are read (the names are defined in the routing class above) and set in local variables.
  • Depending on the specified resource URI attributes, the data is retrieved from the data source (the database table SFLIGHT).
  • The format setting attribute is used to identify the requested response format. The implementation offers three formats:
    • json (default): The SXML library (with stream type json) gets used together with the ID transformation to set the content formatted in JSON.
    • xml: The ID transformation is used to transfer the data into XML format.
    • atom: An ATOM feed is created to return the data to the REST client.


This is the implementation of method IF_REST_RESOURCE~OPTIONS in class ZCL_SCN_BLOG_FLIGHT_RESOURCE:


method if_rest_resource~options.

  mo_response->set_header_field( iv_name = if_http_header_fields=>allow iv_value = 'OPTIONS,GET' ).

  mo_response->set_status( cl_rest_status_code=>gc_success_no_content ).



Brief description of the implementation:

  • The OPTIONS method is generally used by a client to determine the options available with an associated resource or the capabilities of a service without calling any action or getting any resource.
  • The method returns the supported HTTP verbs in HTTP header 'Allow', which is for this REST service GET and OPTIONS.
  • The header and the status is set in the (wrapped) REST response object of the resource class.



Additional Supported Features


Beside the basic functionality of a REST service mentioned above, there are additional features integrated into the ABAP REST library (which are only mentioned in this blog without detailed explanation (for more in depth information refer to the SAP documentation):

  • Content Negotiation
    This is a mechanism defined in the HTTP specification that makes it possible to serve different versions of a document or different resource representations could be available with the same URI. Content negotiation is the process of selecting the best representation between client and server for a given resource when multiple representations are available.
  • Conditional Handling
    This is an optimistic concurrency control mechanism for accessing identical data resources used by different clients. The implementation of this control is done in the environment of REST data service using by the concept of ETags (entity tags) which were introduced by the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
  • Multipart Requests
    Beside single content per HTTP request submitted by a REST client, it is possible to pack multiple requests into one request entity, which becomes a multipart entity. When doing so a REST client saves the overhead of sending a sequence of single requests to the server (e.g. reduces network latency etc.).

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